Saturday, August 1, 2009

Car Insurance Tips For You!

Let's face it, we all want to be protected by our car insurance. The bad news is no single car insurance coverage takes care of everything you need in the event of a crash. The good news is you can be protected with some very basic information.
First, you need to know the car insurance lingo.
PIP - stands for personal injury protection. Pays your medical bills and lost wages (stops at $10,000) no matter who is at fault. IT IS REQUIRED IN FLORIDA.
PD - stands for property damage. If you run into someone and its your fault - it pays to fix their car. Minimum limit is $10,000 and IT IS REQUIRED IN FLORIDA.

No other coverages are required in Florida at this time!

Now, we have the question - what pays to fix my car if I was at fault? This would be your collision coverage - if you purchased this. What pays to fix my car if a tree falls on it? This would be your comprehensive coverage - if you purchased this. What pays for my injuries and any losses above the $10,000 paid by PIP. This would be your Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists coverage - if you purchased it. So, in short, please don't fall into the FULL COVERAGE COMFORT ZONE. I call it a comfort zone because people think they have FULL COVERAGE and they are okay so they forget about their car insurance altogether. But, when the crash happens, and then its too late, they learn for the first time there is no such thing as full coverage.

For more detailed information on this topic please download my book for free at our website - The Ultimate Consumer Guide to Automobile Insurance in Florida. As a bonus, in the back of the book you will also find several great tips on how you can save money when you are buying your car insurance and still get the coverage you need.

Take care and God Bless!
Douglas B. Dykes, Esq.
(850) 785-3400

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