Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect

You've probably heard that statement many times before. Waiting for a deposition to start recently that old adage became even clearer to me. A deposition is where the attorneys go and talk to a witness prior to trial to learn what the witness is going to say at trial. The witness is under oath so his story can't change later without sacrificing his/her credibility. As we were waiting to start, I heard the Defense attorney make an interesting statement. His statement was it is "always easier to tear down than it is to build." In today's legal world that couldn't be any more accurate. For the injured person to make a recovery and receive justice after their accident, they literally have to build their case. In building their case, they have the burden of producing evidence evidence to support each and every element of their claim and that evidence has to be strong enough and persuasive enough to convince a jury that the injured party is entitled to justice.

What does the Defense/Insurance company have to do? Tear down the injured party's case. Find any weaknesses. Exploit the weaknesses. Attack the weakness. Dig. Dig. Then dig some more. Create confusion, uncertainty and doubt in the mind of the juror's and the foundation of the case is crumbling. Net result - the insurance company pays less or nothing on the claims and makes larger profits. The injured party does not receive justice or they are forced to settle their claim at a substantial discount. Don't let this happen to you! Get good solid information about how injury cases are handled and what you really need to do to protect yourself and your rights. Don't go it alone. The insurance company has been practicing and while they are not perfect at defeating claims - they are very, very good at it. Good luck with your case and if I can answer any questions call me at (850) 785-3400. Take care and God Bless! Doug

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